ZEN|Therapy: BodyZEN Signature Treatments 

Meridians Circulation Therapy 通經絡

Remove blockages within the Meridians. Promote better "qi & blood" circulation. Relief muscle pain, soreness and cramps due to long and improper posture at the keyboard, or simply at work.

Congested Meridians could result in muscle uneasiness, sourness or even pain during and after the treatment, but is absolutely normal, as in the course of doing exercises, and afterwards!

Hot Massage Therapy 古法火療

Using fire and heat as media, Hot Massage Therapy is particularly effective in repelling cold, wetness, and excessive water trapped within the body, with which cause swelling and body uneasiness. Once removed, body condition will improve.

Hot Massage Therapy is particularly good for ladies when experiencing period. The heat can ease off the uneasiness caused by it.

Acu-Treat Slimming Therapy 辟穀瘦身

A technique derived from ancient TAOISM, acu-point pressing nurtures and invigorates the body, helping internal organs to perform self-regulatory activities to turn unwanted fat into useful energy to fuel the body; ultimately to slim down, regaining the finest body curves!

For maximum effect, customers are advised to take the first 5 treatments back to back within a week, then take another 5 sessions like every other 2-3 days. During the course of it, customers are also advised to pay attention to your body conditions and needs, and keep take on light meals like apples, fish, and vegetables more as and when needed. Don't skip food unless your body tells you!


Particularly good during winter time, ZENna@ uses a very simple yet effective way, a personal hot steam bath, to help promote blood circulation, and detox your body. Hot steam bath helps open up your skin pours and let toxic out effectively. It is also very enjoyable to “warm up” your body during winter time before carrying out a thorough massage session. ZENna@ is equally effective during spring time, whereby it can help repell wetness and humidity gets trapped within your body because of the weather.