Rita’s personalized consultation & therapy
“Re”-yourself with Rita
Find yourself stuck in a situation, a mood, or in a state of mind?! Using her sharp intuition and relevant healing tools - singing bowl, gong, name reading, and her special touch of holistic body massage - Rita helps re-build a “Better Me” for you!
Founder of BodyZEN, Rita is an experienced holistic therapist, specialising in a number of different areas of alternative healing. Make an appointment to see her today (by appointment ONLY)
重開封閉的經絡, 從而使身體回復正常運作... 重寫你的名字從而改變現狀,轉化舊能量... 重啟內在正能量,從而改變頻率,由低轉高... 重新認識自我,從而將最好的一面展示...
由 “重” 到 “從” 是一個階段,需要正能量來配合。Rita 有深厚豐富的自然療法經驗,以獨特且敏銳的觸覺,加上不同的自然治療方法,如頌缽,銅鑼,氣功手法,名字閱讀等,把您的7輪重置,轉化負面能量從設正面氣場,使您能再次展示一個 “全新的我”!
自2006 年創辦 BodyZEN 起,Rita 用自己深厚的自然療法手法及經驗為顧客解決問題,如有興趣知道更多,歡迎約見(只接受預約)
Introducing the bowlhub, a perfect DOME for singing bowl and gong meitation!